Monday, September 7, 2009


Okay, so it's been an awesome weekend but I feel so guilty today. It feels way too soon to be having an additional day off. We have too much to cover! Edgar Allen Poe, the Wife of Bath, the American Revolution all await us! I actually woke up at five both yesterday and today. (Sigh.) I really am ready to get back at it. It weird this ebb and flow. One day I'll feel completely overwhelmed, and believe that maybe I made a bad career choice. Then, days like today, I'm full of energy and ideas and can't wait for the next day of classes. I do miss the kids.

Next week we start club meetings. I am sponsor of BETA, and cosponsor of the Senior Class. One more thing to do just in case I was starting to get a rhythm to my day.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Harry Wong says I'm in the fantasy mode. I still believe I can reach every student I encounter. But the long hours and commute are definitely wearing on me. As I write this I'm still staring down the barrel of at least four hours of prep. for my classes tomorrow. But, in spite of all the obstacles: the wearisome commute, the lack of routine, the burden of keeping everything fresh and exciting, everyday is worth it. I am rewarded everyday, and feel the best is yet to come.
My situation reminds me of the story of Beudroux and Thibadoux, two Coon-asses aspiring to be rich. They got wind that the French were paying 50 francs each for Indian scalps, so they set out to find and scalp as many Indians as possible. They headed West into the frontier. The first night, as they lay in their tent, Beudroux was awakened by a rustling sound. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he noticed that they were surrounded by hundreds of Indians, slowly encroaching. Beudroux slid back into the tent and said, "Thibadoux wake up! We rich man!"
Rich indeed.